13 Best Facebook Groups For Writers

13 Best facebook

Facebook, now called Meta, has put a lot of attention on the creation and development of online communities. It has invested more resources into its Groups feature to make it easier for people to find connections with similar interests. As a result, there are hundreds of Facebook groups dedicated to various topics, including writing and authorship.Whatever kind of writer you are – a book author, blogger, freelance contractor etc. – there will be a suitable specialty-oriented group for you to connect with.

With so many Facebook groups for writers, it can be daunting to pick the right ones that suit your writing lifestyle. It’s important to take into account each group’s purpose and its followers in order to make sure it supports your needs. We have taken the initiative to look into a few of the most promising Facebook groups available to writers and explore the kind of resources they can offer.

Before proceeding further, it is essential to discuss Facebook groups in detail.

Facebook Group Overview

Facebook groups are distinct from the usual Facebook pages that one typically sees. They act as an online community platform and offer a different kind of experience than the standard page. It is a great way for businesses to interact with their customers or fans, and even promote services or products. Furthermore, Meta offers a Groups feature that serves as an area for people with the same interests to connect and interact. This virtual platform provides an avenue for them to better understand and learn from one another.

Facebook has a wide range of groups addressing almost any topic you might think of. Writers in particular can benefit from the various writing-focused groups, covering topics such as fiction, website building, book design and freelancing. There’s something for everyone so go ahead and join a group that best suits your needs!. Facebook groups play an important role in connecting people and allow access control based on privacy levels. To join a group, you must often send a request which can then be accepted or rejected depending on the privacy settings. These settings may vary from public to private and from visible to members only.

Facebook communities have become increasingly popular, with an estimated 10 million active groups and over 1.8 billion users that are being served each month. It’s easy to see why people join them! More than two-thirds of Facebook’s 2.9 billion monthly active users engage with the platform in some way – posting comments, asking questions, reacting to posts or just browsing. That’s a pretty impressive statistic!

Reasons to Join a Facebook Group

Writing can be challenging for many people, regardless of the type of career they are pursuing. It is common for writers to experience writer’s block or a lack of creative drive at times. Many people lack the necessary resources to successfully attract new clients, promote their work, or get help with tools that prove to be a challenge.

To overcome writer’s block and other roadblocks, it helps to have a community of people you can talk to and rely on for support. Joining Facebook groups for writers comes with plenty of advantages such as:

  • Receiving feedback on your work.
  • promoting your work.
  • finding new opportunities for collaboration.
  • connecting with potential employers or contractors.
  • gaining more knowledge through sharing resources and getting help with troubling issues are all benefits of being part of a community.
  • Additionally, you tend to make many new friends along the way.

Aside from the numerous benefits, using a Facebook group won’t cost you a cent. It’s an ideal way to get things done without spending money.

List Of 13 Best Facebook Groups for Writers

If you’re looking for worthwhile Facebook groups to join, you’ve come to the right place. We can help you pick out suitable ones that will prove beneficial and provide value.

If you’re already a part of certain groups, this article will help you discover new ones that you could be missing out on. So, let’s get started…

1.India Writers Unite

Indie Writers Unite, a Facebook group boasting over 8,600 members, was created by Cheryl Bradshaw in 2010. Christine DeMaio Rice contributes to moderating all posts by members who benefit from being part of this tight-knit community:

  • Monthly threads specifically designed to link authors with preferences and services are available.
  • Writers are invited to engage in debates.
  • conversations, and discussions with their peers who might help or be of assistance.

Indie Writers Unite is a welcoming group for independent authors and has a policy which does not allow any type of spam or self-promotion. In addition, there’s zero tolerance for trolls or any kind of disrespectful behaviour.

2. Medium Writing

Joining the Medium Writing Facebook group is a great idea for anyone who is currently using or planning to use Medium in the future. This group will help you immensely as you work on your writing projects.

Become a part of this group and get all the latest tips & tricks on how to make the most of Medium platform. You will learn:

  • Are you considering starting a blog on Medium? Here’s your guide to getting started.
  • Get the inside scoop on how to create SEO optimized Medium posts.
  • Take advantage of article sharing threads and learn about other platforms you can use instead.
  • Article Sharing Threads.

Medium Writing, which was founded by Casey Botticello, has been able to accumulate 7,600 active users so far. With this platform, its members have access to the founder and can also opt-in for related newsletters.

3. Beta Readers And Critique Partners

This Facebook group is all about giving and receiving feedback on writing projects. Everyone from fiction and non-fiction authors, poets, essayists, scriptwriters etc are welcomed to join. It’s an ideal platform to get constructive criticism to help elevate your work to another level.

Assembling a group of writers who can review one another’s work is a great way to get feedback, improve as authors, and even make connections. You have the option to have your writing assessed by other writers or offer yourself up for beta reading/critique sessions.

As a member, you will enjoy the following advantages:

  • Our free beta reading/critique services offers a variety of benefits for writers.
  • Not only can you receive feedback on your own work, but you can also provide feedback to other writers.
  • In addition, you will get useful resources on writing and copyrighting which will help you take your writing to the next level.
  • also offer opportunities to connect with other writers of varied backgrounds and levels of experience.

Beta Readers and Critique Partners Facebook group are a great way to find other writers who can give you honest feedback on your work. The community has more than 25,000 members and provides a safe space for sharing your writing. Unfortunately, self-promotion is not allowed in this group.

4. Writers Helping Writers

The Writers Helping Writers Facebook group is a thriving global community of all kinds of writers ranging from professionals to hobbyists. It has something for everyone.

Writers’ Exchange has 334,000+ members, including publishers, editors, and agents. This group is not just a place to connect with like-minded people but also offers an incredibly supportive and friendly atmosphere. Writers who join the group can look forward to receiving helpful advice and guidance from experienced professionals in the industry.

  • Professional authors and publishers can provide invaluable help and guidance to those looking to get their work out there. Utilizing these services can help you get your work the exposure it deserves.
  • Posts and discussion threads that provide helpful information and guidance are highly valued resources.
  • Giving & receiving constructive criticism should be encouraged in any workplace.
  • Teammates should provide feedback on one another’s work to learn and develop together.
  • Fee-free services are a great way to swap ideas and motivate each other with beneficial posts.

As Writers Helping Writers is a bustling community with numerous members, rigorous monitoring occurs to ensure the environment remains safe, inviting and supportive for everyone.

5. The Writer Life Community

The Write Life Community stands out from other Facebook groups aimed at writers as it is open to everyone – no membership needed.

This group provides a wide range of resources for writers at any stage of their journey. From beginner to expert levels, everyone is welcome to come and share stories, find answers, and receive support from the group.

Being part of this group brings a range of advantages, such as:

  • Sharing your experiences related to writing can be a great way to inspire others. It doesn’t just help others but you can also gain valuable insights from their perspectives. Posting these stories can be beneficial for everyone involved.
  • Inquiry & response are becoming the norm in today’s world, as people are looking for quick and reliable answers to their questions.
  • Discussions on writing topics
  • Writing tips and tricks
  • Self-publishing School is a great platform for book writers to network and connect. It can provide authors with invaluable insights into self-publishing their own works.

The Write Life Community is one of the leading Facebook groups for authors with a staggering 34,000+ members. It provides a great platform for writers to connect with each other and gain valuable insight from fellow peers. As a rule, self-promotion is not permitted; however, Monday Motivation threads provide members with the opportunity to showcase their work.

6. Blogging Boost

Blogging Boos

Blogging Boost is an excellent Facebook group for writers who blog and would like to join a community. It offers invaluable advice and support to aspiring bloggers, helping them make their mark in the blogging world.

Blogging Boost is a great platform to help members achieve their blogging goals, while connecting with and learning from other bloggers. It offers various advantages for its members, such as:

  • Mondays are becoming “Promotion Days” for sharing blog posts and increasing their reach.
  • If you are running low on blogging ideas, a Pinterest board is the perfect way to get some inspiration. Here, you will find tips and tricks to make your blog pieces even better and more appealing.
  • If you want to learn more about successful blogging, check out our range of resources. We’ve got everything you need to get started and build your blog into a thriving online presence.
  • Writing guest posts and collaborating with other writers is a great way to expand your network and further your development as a writer. It can open up new doors for growth and progress in the writing industry.
  • Seeking out feedback from seasoned bloggers can be immensely beneficial as it can help you gain insight into how your blog is being received by readers. Taking the time to collect and consider such feedback can lead to massive improvements in the quality of your blog.

Blogging Boost is a safe and balanced online community with an active membership of over 32,800 people. They have clear rules to make sure that noone engages in any form of spamming or excessive self-promotion, except on certain designated days.

7. Substack Writers

Substack Writers

If you’re a user of the popular newsletter publishing platform, Substack Writers is definitely the place to be. It’s a Facebook group that connects with korsely and provides content and invaluable advice on how to succeed with Substack.

The Substack Writers Facebook group is also a great platform for engagement and discussion among its members. Additionally, the group makes available to its members helpful resources such as:

  • Get the most out of Substack newsletters with these helpful tips & tricks.
  • Learn how to gain more subscribers.
  • Understand Substack FAQs and learn about the perfect blogging guide for creating & managing newsletters on Substack.
  • Maximize your subscription revenue with an optimal pricing strategy.

The Substack Writers Facebook group has been gaining a lot of attention since its launch in 2020. As of now, it boasts a community of more than 3,300 members and is one of the most rapidly growing groups in its niche.

8. Copywriting Jobs

Copywriting Jobs

The International Copywriters Association has built a community in order to connect copywriters & potential employers. It’s an easy-to-use job board that brings them together in the most efficient way. Copywriters are encouraged to introduce themselves and present their competence as well as the type of assignments they are searching for. Businesses can share job postings with the appropriate qualifications & requirements they need. Joining Copywriting Jobs Facebook group has numerous advantages, including:

  • You can develop a network of potential clients and uncover a range of job opportunities with the help of the right connections.
  • Businesses can now recruit writers of all proficiency levels, depending on their needs.
  • Working collaboratively with individuals from different countries and cultures across the globe can be an enlightening experience and broaden our horizons.

Copywriting Jobs, a group open to anyone, has a 94000-strong community that only shares job opportunities and requests for help. They strictly enforce this rule to maintain quality and professionalism within their network.

9. Fantasy And Science Fiction Writers

Fantasy And Science Fiction Writers

For all fantasy and science fiction authors, this Facebook group is an invaluable resource. It provides a platform where people can share their writing to receive feedback and insight from fellow genre writers. This could be a great help in the creative journey of many aspiring authors.

Not only you can benefit from advice on the business of writing, but also exchange ideas with your peers by joining the Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers Facebook group. Moreover, you will gain further advantages such as:

  • Getting feedback from experienced writers is an invaluable resource for constructive criticism and improvement in one’s writing.
  • If you’re looking to promote your book, award recognition or offer freebies, dedicated threads are a great option. These can be used to effectively reach and engage potential customers.
  • Writers and bloggers can benefit immensely from utilizing the available resources that can support them in their work. These resources can assist in crafting compelling stories and engaging readers with their content.
  • Publishing and competition chances are a great way to reach out to wider audiences and share your ideas with the world. There are lots of contests and opportunities available that can help you gain more visibility, attract new readers and make connections in the literary industry.
  • Fantasy/science fiction writing requires the exchange of creative ideas to make the story come alive. By sharing thoughts and discussing potential plotlines, writers can come up with better stories that appeal to a wider audience.

The Fantasy and Science Fiction Writers group currently boasts over 8,100 members, with a team of admins and moderators striving to foster an amicable atmosphere.

10. NanoLand


NanoLand was launched as a Facebook group especially for those chasing the NanoWriMo challenge – 50,000 words in 30 days. It’s a great platform for creative writers and storytellers to interact with one another and gain motivation to keep going.

This group is dedicated to helping people succeed at the challenge by providing useful tips, tricks and support. From this platform you can expect to gain insightful advice and guidance on how to meet your goals.

  • If you want to make the most out of yourself, applying some productivity tips can be extremely helpful.
  • To fight off writer’s block during your challenge, it’ll be best to break down complex tasks into smaller chunks and take regular breaks to keep your motivation up.
  • A community which is both supportive and helpful, fostering growth & development.
  • Staying in touch with both old and current NanoWrimo participants is a great way to stay updated & network. You can learn from each other and share your progress, inspiring one another in the process.

NanoLand has a large community of over 21,500 members, but is not affiliated with the official NanoWrimo organization. Although NanoWrimo happens in November, the group continues to be active throughout the year.

11. Writing Bad

Writing Bad

Writing Bad Facebook group provides a safe platform for writers of all skill levels that encourages growth without any judgment. The concept behind this initiative is that there is no such thing as “bad writing”, but rather writing that needs to be further developed.

Therefore, giving feedback must be done in a supportive and constructive manner. Additionally, members are able to benefit from several advantages such as:

  • Improving your writing skills by obtaining valuable feedback is an essential part of the professional writing process. It can help you understand any difficulties and identify areas for improvement.
  • Having useful resources and advice at your fingertips can be extremely beneficial in many situations. It can save a lot of time and effort by allowing you to quickly find the answers you need.
  • Do you want to show off the work you’ve done? Pinned threads provide a great platform for sharing your achievements and creating connections.
  • Participating in conversations about writing is a great way to learn and grow as a writer. It can give you new perspectives on the craft as well as valuable insights into the industry.

Writing Bad has seen an impressive increase in user numbers, with its community now standing at a strong 14,500 members. They strive to ensure their members feel both secure & welcome while sharing their written work.

12. Gostwriting For Profit

Gostwriting For Profit

If you want to make money as a ghostwriter, then this is the ideal Facebook group for you. It offers an excellent community to find projects and freelancers, who can do the job for you. Additionally, there are other advantages too that come with it like:

  • Be it your professional bio, book links, projects or any other creative pursuits – promoting yourself is a great way to gain exposure & collaboration.
  • Participating in Q&A threads.
  • Building an online presence and leveraging tips on pursuing ghostwriting as a career are all avenues that can help you to stand out.
  • Moreover, don’t forget the importance of connecting with like-minded creatives and sharing ideas.

The Ghostwriting for Profit Facebook page boasts a huge membership of over 5,000 individuals. Not only is it an amazing chance to earn money, but it also offers support and advice on the writing industry to novices. It’s certainly an option worth considering if you’re just getting started.

13. SPF Community

SPF Community

The Self-Publishing Formula (SPF) Community is an exclusive Facebook group for authors and creators who are looking to learn more about the self-publishing industry. Here, members can get up-to-date information to stay ahead of the game in their chosen field.

With its 27,000 members, this organization is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to break into self-publishing and make a living through it. They provide you access to essential information and resources that help you understand the ins & outs of the self-publishing industry and make the most of it.

  • Looking for tips on how to become a successful self-publisher?
  • Want to know the latest trends in the self-publishing industry?
  • Need encouragement and feedback from experienced professionals?
  • Here are useful bits of advice & guidance from experts to help you market your work as a self-publisher.

SPF Community offers NanoWriMo & Self-Publishing Launchpad Writing Challenges to its members. As a participant, please keep in mind that any form of advertising or asking for business is not allowed.


It can be difficult to identify the perfect Facebook group for writers. It is essential that any group you join aligns with your personal values & ambitions as an author. You don’t want to waste your time on a community that isn’t right for you. The selection above contains some of the most beneficial Facebook groups for all aspiring authors out there. Joining any one of these communities can greatly improve your writing career in various ways.

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