Data Entry Jobs: Basic and Advanced Skills You Need to Know

Data Entry Jobs Basic and Advanced Skills You Need to Know

Basic data entry skills are fairly simple and don’t require years of training or schooling to master. This can be good news if you’re just getting started with data entry jobs and want to find the quickest way to be successful. 

That said, some data entry job skills can make you more valuable to your employer and help you get ahead in your career. 

Here are the essential data entry job skills beginners should know as well as some advanced techniques that can take your career to the next level.

Computer Skills

This is common sense, but there’s a good chance you’ll be working on a computer in your new data entry job. 

If you haven’t mastered it yet, spend some time learning how to use Word or Excel at least. That way, you can impress your boss with your proficiency when he asks you for help inputting records into a spreadsheet or writing documents from scratch. (If he doesn’t ask, ask if you can do that regularly anyway.) 

Knowing how to turn in reports using standard templates will make everyone happy. You’ll also want to learn how to type quickly and accurately so you don’t waste any of your precious work hours hunting down mistakes. 

Finally, if you have an interest in coding or app development, brushing up on those skills could prove valuable later on as well. 

Not only might it come in handy while performing certain data entry tasks, but employers often see these types of candidates as long-term investments since they have so much growth potential. They may even assign these kinds of employees more complicated projects over time.


Being able to type at least 35 words per minute (wpm) is a bare minimum for any data entry job. A higher wpm will also help you get paid more, as it shows that you can be more productive while doing your job. 

To make sure that you’re typing quickly, it’s good practice to pause periodically while working on your computer; checking Facebook every few minutes is a recipe for distraction and slower typing speed. 

If you aren’t sure about your typing speed, there are online tools available for free here you can test yourself with a timed typing exercise. 

After taking these tests, try setting realistic goals based on your performance – maybe 35 wpm will become 40 wpm after a month of hard work!

Attention to Detail

Being able to keep up with deadlines, multitasking, knowing your way around a computer, and using strong organizational skills are all necessary for data entry jobs. 

It’s vital that you can focus on individual tasks for a prolonged period and remain organized even when faced with multiple projects. 

Attention to detail is one of your most important skills as a data entry worker because mistakes could be costly. 

Your ability to focus on small details will make it easier for you to notice if a piece of information has been mistyped or entered incorrectly into a spreadsheet or document. 

Also, having attention to detail is essential because it helps eliminate any potential errors before they occur.


A necessary skill that can’t be overlooked. Communication is critical in any job, especially a data entry job. 

It’s imperative that you’re able to clearly understand instructions and that you’re able to relay your understanding of them verbally. 

Many times, data entry jobs require you to sit next to coworkers or managers as they walk you through each task on a piece-by-piece basis. 

This means it’s even more important for you to communicate questions, concerns, or problems effectively so that any confusion can be quickly ironed out before it becomes problematic. 

In addition, most companies have robust ticketing systems, internal messaging systems (e-mail), etc., which will help keep you in touch with other workers involved in your project.

Now that you understand why communication is a critical skill, let’s look at ways to sharpen it. Make a conscious effort with your written communication, whether that’s e-mail or internal ticketing systems like Asana or Redbooth. 

Be sure you’re including clear subject lines and that you’re communicating in grammatically correct sentences. 

Do not use txt spk (unless, of course, you work in IT). Make sure information is easily readable as well, with minimal typos/misspellings.

Time Management

Becoming organized helps ensure you meet deadlines, finish work efficiently, and get things done before you run out of time. 

Look for ways to prioritize your day—using a planner, for example—so that you know how much time is allocated to each task. 

It’s also important to make sure you have enough time at home for yourself. Delegate tasks, if possible, because delegating frees up more of your time. 

For instance, ask family members or friends to watch your kids while you work or pay someone else to do household chores like laundry or cleaning so that you can focus on other things. 

Time management is key in data entry jobs as well as in any career path you choose!

Conflict Resolution

No matter what type of work you do, you’re going to run into people who don’t like you, your ideas, or your project. 

For example, your manager might think your project is too ambitious and cut your funding before it gets off the ground. 

In other words, conflict isn’t just something that happens with certain personality types; it is an essential part of every relationship. 

So, if you aren’t currently enjoying a particularly high level of workplace camaraderie, keep these tips in mind so that when conflicts do arise you know how to handle them well. 

It’s a lot easier (and less messy) if you can be diplomatic from the get-go.

Problem Solving

This is pretty much a basic skill for any job. Whether you’re working in data entry or running your own company, there are going to be problems that come up that need solutions. 

For example, an equipment failure or poor customer service experience could happen at any time. In such situations, you may have to think on your feet—and fast—to resolve things without causing further harm. 

Problem-solving often requires being able to see all of your options quickly so you can choose one (or many) that will minimize potential damage or help ensure a good outcome for everyone involved.

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