What exactly is a Data Entry Job?

What exactly is a Data Entry Job

What exactly is a Data Entry Job? Although the name may sound simple enough, there’s quite a bit to it. 

And if you’re considering this job opportunity, it’s important to understand what data entry entails and why you might want to do it as your main or side income source.

Understanding what data entry is

Many people who use data entry services don’t understand what they are getting themselves into. 

They think it’s easy, but that couldn’t be further from reality. So, let’s take a look at what data entry means. 

Data entry is when you use your computer to input data into a form or spreadsheet. The information can be numbers, letters, special characters, or anything else that can be entered via keystroke commands. 

Some of these forms and spreadsheets may be related to business processes, such as accounting records for invoices and receipts or inventory management systems used by logistics companies.

Other times, it could be something simple like entering contact information into an address book. Regardless of what type of data you’re entering, there are two important things to remember: 

First, never trust that your client will give you accurate or complete data. 

Second, always check your work before submitting it to ensure accuracy. Even if your client assures you their data is correct and complete, there’s no guarantee they won’t change their mind later on down the line—and once any errors have been made public in a database or spreadsheet file, fixing them becomes much more difficult (if not impossible). 

There are two main types of software used in data entry: desktop applications and web-based applications.

The other names for data entry jobs

The most common names for data entry jobs are data entry clerk, virtual assistant, or online transcriber. 

You can also be called an online worker or home-based agent, but we’ll use data entry job as a catchall term to describe these positions. 

It’s important to note that there are various types of companies that hire virtual assistants and freelance transcriptionists; some even pay them well.

However, other companies might take advantage of their workers and give them unrealistic expectations about pay and benefits. 

Be sure to do your research before you work with any particular company! If possible, connect with previous clients and interview current employees before deciding on which opportunity might be right for you.

Who hires workers to do data entry jobs?

Clients looking for data entry workers come from a variety of industries. In some cases, they may be large companies that need help categorizing and filing documents. 

Other times, they may be small businesses that can’t afford an in-house full-time employee but still need assistance with keeping records organized. 

Finally, some individuals or freelancers may hire workers to handle their personal data entry work as well. 

Whatever type of work you get hired to do, it’s important to ensure you’re adequately compensated for your time and effort—because, without that money in your pocket, you probably won’t have much motivation to stick around!

Where can you find these jobs?

You can find these jobs on various freelancing sites like Elance, Odesk, Guru, Freelancer, Fiverr, People Per Hour etc. Some companies hire people for data entry work. 

You can sign up with them and do work in your spare time on projects of your choice. If you go down this route then you would need to buy a good computer and have a good internet connection at home. 

The pay varies but it shouldn’t be less than 20 dollars per hour for reliable companies. Most data entry workers get paid by the number of records they enter every day rather than on per hour basis as it would take too long to count each data entry job separately.

How much does data entry pay?

It varies by company, of course, but it’s generally in line with other customer service jobs. Some companies might have a base salary for data entry positions—$20,000 to $25,000 or so per year—while others pay per hour (often about $10 an hour). 

But keep in mind that you’ll likely be working at least 40 hours or more per week. And depending on your position and how quickly you learn new systems, you could earn raises within six months or so.

In other words: It pays well to become great at what you do. If your company has generous pay structures and performance-based bonuses/raises, then there’s an opportunity for earning much more than most traditional office jobs pay.

Is data entry an in-person job or a remote job

Many data entry jobs can be done from home, but not all of them. For example, if you’re working for an airline company, you may need to physically visit their office to obtain and submit records. 

The same goes for working at a hotel or travel agency. If you’re hired as a remote employee at a company that doesn’t have an office location specified in its job posting, ask your potential employer about it before accepting the position. 

You don’t want to start work only to find out you have in-person responsibilities! Asking early on ensures you won’t be blindsided by requirements down the road.

How can you get started in data entry?

Data entry positions may be found in several places. The best way to find one that fits your skills and background is to simply ask around—and don’t forget to ask everyone you know, including people you met once at a party or in an elevator. 

Ask current and former employers, colleagues, family members, and friends. Get referrals from other professionals (accountants, attorneys) if applicable. 

Contact headhunters or staffing agencies that specialize in data entry jobs if they are known to your network.

How do I choose my first data entry project?

If you’re just starting your career as a data entry specialist, one of your first decisions should be about choosing which project to do. 

To choose your first data entry project wisely, it helps to know what factors go into that decision. 

It may seem obvious at first glance, but you’ll want to take extra care in choosing your first data entry project. After all, it will set you up for future success or failure!

Tips for getting approved by the client

1. Choose your clients wisely 

2. Be as accurate as possible 

3. Track your progress and turn in regularly 

4. Don’t be afraid to ask questions 

5. If you make a mistake, be honest and open with your client 

6. Give yourself plenty of time

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