Content Writing Services – How to Write Engaging Content

Content Writing Services - How to Write Engaging Content

One of the most important things you can do to develop your blog into a successful business is to create engaging content that your readers will want to come back and read again and again. 

This can be challenging, however, especially if you are short on time or simply don’t know how to go about it. 

Luckily, there are plenty of content writing services out there that can help you find the writers you need to fill in gaps in your content creation schedule and increase the quality of your work.

The Basics of Content Creation

Before you can even think about putting your content writing services to work, you need to get clear on what your content strategy is. 

And that’s no small feat. Because a content strategy is more than just a writing plan or how-to list of topics, you’re going to cover. 

It’s part of a larger marketing strategy designed to grow and retain your audience. The type of customer service, quality of posts, consistency—these are all part of it too. 

You have all these factors working together, like individual pieces in an engine that need oiling for them all to run smoothly together without fail.

Choose a Platform for Publication

From a business perspective, you must choose your writing platform wisely. It would be a shame if you spent hours producing valuable content only to have your efforts fall on deaf ears.

Whether or not you work for yourself, you need an audience. The easiest way to get started is by working with content platforms that already have one in place. 

This is where outlets like Medium come into play. They’re ideal for companies with limited resources because they already provide a space for writers and readers alike. 

For example, if I were a software engineer who had just launched my first app, I might want to write about how difficult it was to get my product off of the ground.

Focus on One Topic

When you’re writing for businesses, focus on one topic area at a time. For example, if you want to target small business owners in Portland, Oregon, your content should only focus on that topic.

Make sure that every piece of content is directly related to your niche and offers value to anyone reading it. 

This will keep you from spreading yourself too thin and trying to do too much with your site; instead, stay focused and provide a clear niche experience.

Identify your Target Audience

Depending on what your company does, you may need several different types of content. For example, if you’re an e-commerce clothing store, you probably want to create long-form content (in-depth guides and reviews) that serves your existing customers and gets them excited about new products. 

You’ll also likely want quick, punchy content (snackable tweets and listicles) that attracts visitors at the lower stages of your funnel and converts them into customers. 

Start by identifying which topics will serve which audiences best—and then go write some great stuff!

Know your Audience Well before Writing

Focus your writing on how you can solve your customers’ problems. What is it that they need or want? 

Why should they care? What will be their reaction when they read or hear what you have written? Your content needs to tell a story, engagingly explain something, and ultimately engage them so that they take action. 

This is called selling with storytelling and is perhaps one of our favorite methods of getting people interested in what we are selling. 

You also need a good headline that’s going to capture attention and make people click through to learn more.

Back Up Key Pieces of Information with Research

The content you write needs to be credible. If your company does not have a Wikipedia page, does not appear in results for top [industry] blogs, or if it’s brand-new and has no third-party credibility, take some time to fill those gaps. 

In addition, because your customers trust you, they will look at any information that you present as reliable. 

They’ll want evidence that what you’re saying is true—and given how easy it is for data to be manipulated nowadays (think about what fake news can do!), make sure everything has a credible source and isn’t simply pulled out of thin air!

Balance Key Points in Your Voice

One common mistake that business owners make when approaching content writing services is forcing too much information into one piece. 

While you certainly want to emphasise key points, it’s important not to overwhelm your audience by stuffing a post with over-information or industry jargon. 

You need a balanced approach: providing enough information without overdoing it. To keep things interesting and engaging, include your spin and personality in your post. 

Your company’s voice will connect you with readers on a more personal level and give them a sense of who you are as an individual or company.

Link Within Posts and Create Connections Between Posts

It’s often said that a business is only as good as its connections. This isn’t just true in your social life; it applies to your digital one, too. 

Think of your content marketing efforts like a spider web: The more connected they are, and broader they reach, the stronger and more effective they will be. (You can use a tool like BuzzSumo.)

Incorporating an in-content link not only makes readers happy but also increases SEO (search engine optimization) for all of your future posts—particularly if you’re linking them together with anchor text. 

Plus, it’s easy! Just highlight any relevant keyword in your post and either add it to a sentence or place it before or after reading more on another page.

Add Quotes to Boost Credibility

Getting your message across is only half of it—you need to make sure that people believe you and trust you. 

One way to do that is by using quotes or statistics in your content. Yes, there’s always a chance people will disagree with them or think they’re irrelevant. 

But if what you say is being backed up by a big name, most readers will accept it at face value. This can be an especially useful tactic for boring topics where little disagreement is expected (think spreadsheets, financial reports, and medical journals). 

Or use quotes from your clients when possible. For example, showing that happy customers find value in your product is always going to be more compelling than simply saying it yourself!

Share What You Learn as you go along

The path from ignorance to competence can be tough. Even if you know what you don’t know, there’s still a lot of work ahead before you can call yourself an expert. 

Whatever you do, don’t stop learning about your craft and sharing your knowledge with others. Make it a habit to ask lots of questions and never feel like you know everything; that way, when new opportunities arise, you’ll already be up-to-speed. 

If the expert is relative, keep in mind that at least one person out there is just as novice as you are—and they might need answers right now.

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